
00:00:00.000 Yeah, okay.

00:00:13.080 Yeah, yeah.

00:00:17.080 Yeah.

00:00:20.080 Yeah.

00:00:22.080 Yeah.

00:00:24.080 Yeah.

00:00:29.080 That’s really interesting. Yeah.

00:00:33.080 Welcome to our seminar.

00:00:39.080 Just summary is a data scientist, educator and musician is the founder and CEO of stat quest online educational platform that teaches data science machine learning and statistics is also the AI educator at lightning AI, and the member of the

00:00:59.080 Board of Directors for the Society for Scientific Advancement.

00:01:04.080 Prior to this.

00:01:06.080 He was an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he developed statistics and visualization methods for high throughput sequencing technologies.

00:01:18.080 Please give him a round of applause.

00:01:26.080 This is my quest to stack list, and it’s gonna be clearly explained.

00:01:34.080 Right.

00:01:39.080 Hey, can the people online can they hear how do we can we, we know that they’re hearing things.

00:01:45.080 Yes, affirmative. Hooray. Okay.

00:01:50.080 So, um, note this seminar will probably be a little different from what you’re used to.

00:01:57.080 The big difference is that I’m going to read everything right off the slide, like I’m doing right now.

00:02:05.080 I do this for two reasons.

00:02:07.080 One, often for people that speak English as a second language, reading can be easier than listening.

00:02:15.080 So if you’re familiar with a sing along. Think of this as a readable.

00:02:19.080 And also generally speaking, when I script every single word, the stuff that comes out of my mouth makes more sense.

00:02:26.080 In other words, I’m just not good at telling a story without writing it down.

00:02:31.080 Also, and I don’t actually know if this is true, it may be purely anecdotal, but I’ve read a few places online which is very reputable, because it’s just online, that if you read, and you hear the exact same things at the same time, it helps with retention.

00:02:51.080 I don’t know that actually true it’s just something I saw on the internet, and I believe it.

00:02:59.080 I want to see some data.

00:03:02.080 I’d like to believe it. Okay, so with that said, let’s get started. All right. If you don’t already know, my name is Josh Starmer and I run a YouTube channel called StatQuest.

00:03:15.080 I’ll tell you more about this picture later.

00:03:17.080 Every day, people around the world watch StatQuest to learn statistics, machine learning, and other data science subjects.

00:03:32.080 Okay, more importantly, people say StatQuest helped them win data science competitions, pass exams, graduate, and get jobs and promotions. Hooray!

00:03:49.080 So far, no one has told me that StatQuest helped them get married, but maybe one day it’ll happen.

00:03:56.080 That’d be cool, right? Who knows?

00:03:59.080 People watch StatQuest because it makes complicated sounding things easy to understand.

00:04:05.080 And here’s some nice comments that people said about me and my channel.

00:04:10.080 They said, awesome!

00:04:13.080 Anyway, believe it or not, creating a YouTube channel was never the plan.

00:04:19.080 Instead, when I was in high school, I wanted to become a classical cello player.

00:04:24.080 And that’s a picture of me in high school with my string quartet.

00:04:27.080 I got the cello, obviously. That’s me again, back in the day.

00:04:33.080 I used to dream about playing the Elgar cello concerto like Jacqueline Dupre.

00:04:38.080 If you’re not familiar with the Elgar cello concerto, I’d highly recommend checking it out. It’s awesome.

00:04:45.080 And she played it great.

00:04:46.080 Anyways, I ended up going to Oberlin, which is a school up in Ohio. It’s a tiny school.

00:04:52.080 But they have a music conservatory, so I got a degree in music from them.

00:04:58.080 So I got a Bachelor in Music Composition.

00:05:01.080 And just to be safe, my parents made me.

00:05:09.080 I got a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science.

00:05:14.080 So I ended up with two possible career paths.

00:05:18.080 And this is one of those things where I hate to say that my parents were right, but they were.

00:05:22.080 It’s embarrassing.

00:05:24.080 When I was 19 years old, I was so certain. I had it all figured out.

00:05:28.080 Okay, anyways, on the one hand, I could potentially become a professional orchestral musician.

00:05:36.080 Or I could become a professional coder.

00:05:40.080 On the surface, being a musician seemed glamorous.

00:05:45.080 You get to wear fancy clothes. Look at me now.

00:05:49.080 You spend time with fancy people.

00:05:53.080 But it’s fundamentally boring.

00:05:58.080 At least to me. And here’s why.

00:06:01.080 Beethoven wrote his Fifth Symphony in 1808, over 200 years ago, and it has not changed much since.

00:06:10.080 Don’t get me wrong, Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony is awesome.

00:06:14.080 But playing it every year for the rest of my life might get tedious.

00:06:20.080 In contrast, being a coder seemed like the exact opposite of glamorous.

00:06:27.080 You get to wear, these aren’t jeans, but you get the idea, and t-shirts.

00:06:32.080 Fancy people tended to avoid coders. We were nerds.

00:06:38.080 Fundamentally exciting, though. What? Coding? What? What are you talking about?

00:06:43.080 At least to me. I thought coding was fundamentally exciting.

00:06:47.080 Why? Because languages, frameworks, problems, everything’s always changing.

00:06:51.080 There’s always something new to learn. And I love learning.

00:06:56.080 I love learning new things.

00:07:03.080 Okay, now, despite the fact that I actually like to dress up from time to time,

00:07:10.080 and I think it’s really cool that I once talked to Yo-Yo Ma, who’s a super famous cello player, and I talked to him in person,

00:07:17.080 and thus the superficial things about being an orchestral musician had some appeal.

00:07:23.080 I’ve never played orchestral with rock and roll. I was in a touring rock band.

00:07:27.080 I used to play the 40-watt back in the day. I’ve done the whole rock thing as well, okay?

00:07:32.080 And this applies. Beethoven’s Fifth, obviously great, but if you’re in a rock band and you have a hit song,

00:07:39.080 you have to play that hit song for the rest of your life until you die.

00:07:42.080 It gets boring. I mean, I know it’s not supposed to because it looks romantic and awesome,

00:07:47.080 but after like 500 nights every night for the rest of your life, you’re like, ah.

00:07:52.080 Anyways, it applies. Okay, so I focused on the fundamental difference between being an orchestral slash rock and roll musician and a coder.

00:08:01.080 Now, I had a few opportunities to talk with professional orchestral musicians, and they were a pretty sad group,

00:08:08.080 and this is the same with the rock people. They were all burned out, and they’d lost their passion for music.

00:08:15.080 Just as I expected, playing Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony every year for your whole life gets boring.

00:08:23.080 So this thing about music being fundamentally boring was something I’d seen and experienced firsthand in real life.

00:08:31.080 So I ultimately picked coding over being a musician because I wanted a job that would always be exciting, at least to me.

00:08:41.080 Bam? Not yet.

00:08:46.080 Although I came to the conclusion that being a coder was fundamentally exciting, it was also fundamentally scary.

00:08:59.080 And it’s scary for the exact same reasons that it seemed exciting.

00:09:04.080 In computing, everything changes all the time.

00:09:09.080 What that means is that a lot of the skills that I learned in college would be obsolete in a few years.

00:09:14.080 People no longer program in Perl. I’m a great Perl programmer.

00:09:20.080 That skill is not very useful anymore.

00:09:24.080 And at the same time, my skills became obsolete.

00:09:28.080 New people would graduate and enter the job market having mastered the latest, greatest new skills.

00:09:35.080 At the same time, I was like, I know Perl. They’re all like, well, I know Python.

00:09:39.080 And I’m like, I got to learn Python.

00:09:44.080 So I imagine the life of a coder as being a life of always playing catch-up.

00:09:49.080 Python’s awesome. It’ll go away.

00:09:52.080 You know, when I was a kid, everyone was doing things in C.

00:09:55.080 C’s still around, but it’s not hot like it was back in the 80s.

00:10:00.080 And Python is hot now. It won’t be hot.

00:10:03.080 We’re not going to have to do it. Things are going to change.

00:10:08.080 You just have to know it. And whatever you’re doing right now, if it’s in tech, you won’t be doing it in five to ten years.

00:10:14.080 You’ll be doing something different. Okay.

00:10:17.080 So I imagine I’d always be playing catch up with younger people that had just learned the latest skills.

00:10:24.080 That’s when I decided I needed to learn statistics.

00:10:29.080 At Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, the T-test that we use in statistics has not changed much in a long time.

00:10:38.080 So in some sense, T-tests will get boring sooner or later.

00:10:42.080 But with big data, I can combine T-tests with computing to keep things interesting.

00:10:48.080 So with statistics, I thought I would get the best of both worlds.

00:10:52.080 Something that doesn’t change every three years combines with something that does.

00:10:57.080 And that’s bioinformatics, right? You guys are in bioinformatics.

00:11:01.080 So you’re in the sweet spot. Bam.

00:11:06.080 Okay. Anyways, I used to work in a lab helping these guys with their statistics.

00:11:11.080 And although I was doing all the math, I wanted them to understand what I was doing so that I could speak,

00:11:17.080 so that they could speak confidently and correctly about their results at conferences.

00:11:24.080 So I started to give little presentations on statistics for the lab every Friday morning.

00:11:33.080 But this was an academic lab and new people were coming and going all the time.

00:11:38.080 So I thought it might be better to put the presentations on YouTube.

00:11:45.080 Putting the presentations on YouTube solved two problems.

00:11:50.080 One, it spared me from having to give the same lecture every three to six months.

00:11:55.080 So it’s a time saver for me.

00:11:59.080 And two, maybe even better and more important, it allowed people to get the information when they needed it,

00:12:06.080 rather than when I had time to teach it.

00:12:09.080 So I can teach R-squared, but they may not need to know R-squared for another six months or a year or who knows when they’re going to need to know.

00:12:17.080 But when it’s on YouTube, it’s there when they need it. And they don’t have to call me up in the middle of the night and go,

00:12:21.080 Hey, Starmer, what’s R-squared again? I can’t remember. You talked to me like a year ago.

00:12:26.080 Just watch the video. Go back to bed.

00:12:30.080 Okay. So now let’s talk about some of the things that have helped my YouTube channel be successful.

00:12:37.080 So I’ve got these rules. Rule number one is focus on the main ideas.

00:12:42.080 So imagine we wanted to teach someone how to drive a car.

00:12:47.080 Should we start by teaching them about fuel injection?

00:12:52.080 Or should we start by describing the master cylinder?

00:12:56.080 And what about the head gasket?

00:13:00.080 Now, even though fuel injection, master cylinders, and head gaskets are critical parts of cars, they are not the main idea.

00:13:12.080 In other words, we don’t need to know about these parts in order to drive.

00:13:18.080 In fact, even though I bet most of the people in the seminar know how to drive, I’d be surprised if you knew about these parts.

00:13:27.080 Now, if I wanted to teach someone how to drive, I would focus on the main ideas.

00:13:33.080 I would start by teaching them about the brake pedal so that they can stop the car.

00:13:38.080 Stopping the car is the most important thing to teach first so that we can avoid hurting other people.

00:13:48.080 Then I would teach about the steering wheel so that they can turn the car.

00:13:52.080 The steering wheel is the second most important thing because we can use it to avoid hurting people.

00:13:56.080 Again, we don’t want to, you know, have a tragedy while we’re learning how to drive.

00:14:01.080 Lastly, I would teach them about the gas pedal so that we can finally move the car.

00:14:07.080 The brake and gas pedals and the steering wheel are the main ideas of driving because you need all three to drive, but you don’t need anything else.

00:14:19.080 Knowing about the brake and gas pedals and the steering wheel may not make someone a great driver or a very knowledgeable driver, but at least they know enough to practice and they can easily learn more.

00:14:37.080 Similarly, when I want to teach someone about a neural network, I would not start with some complicated looking equation.

00:14:49.080 Even though understanding this equation takes a lot of work and makes me all proud of myself, it’s not the main idea of neural networks and it never will be.

00:15:01.080 Instead, all this is is a compact notation for describing what’s going on. That’s all it is. It’s very different from the main idea.

00:15:12.080 It’s important to never confuse a compact notation for the actual main ideas.

00:15:20.080 So instead of a complicated equation, I would start out with a super simple data set that showed whether or not different drug dosages were effective against a virus.

00:15:32.080 The low and high dosages were not effective, but the medium dosages were.

00:15:41.080 Then I would show that fitting a straight line to that data isn’t very helpful.

00:15:47.080 Because no matter how we rotate this line, it can only be close to two of the three clusters of points.

00:15:59.080 So what we really need is to fit a squiggle to the data.

00:16:04.080 And the main idea behind neural networks is that no matter how fancy they look or sound, all they do is fit squiggles to data.

00:16:18.080 Now that we understand the main idea behind neural networks, we can dive into the details.

00:16:25.080 Like these nonlinear functions are called activation functions.

00:16:30.080 And because the activation functions are between the input and the output, we can say that the activation functions are in a hidden layer.

00:16:41.080 And there’s lots of other details, but we’ll save them for later, because right now we’re focusing on the main idea.

00:16:50.080 And the main idea of neural networks is that they fit squiggles to your data.

00:16:56.080 So this is rule number one, and it’s the most important rule of all.

00:17:00.080 It seems simple, but it’s easy to be distracted by things that are not the main idea.

00:17:07.080 For example, when we were talking about cars, we were talking about the master cylinder and fuel injection and things like that.

00:17:17.080 If you watch a car commercial, if you’re watching TV, they’re not telling you, like, our car has a brake pedal and a steering wheel and a gas pedal.

00:17:26.080 No, they’re talking about, we’ve got this kind of fancy fuel injection.

00:17:30.080 They’re talking about all these things that are not the main idea.

00:17:34.080 So it’s easy to get distracted and think, oh, there’s other things that are really important, because I was watching TV and all they talked about was how important fuel injection was.

00:17:44.080 And that’s not the main idea.

00:17:51.080 So it’s hard to focus on the main idea, especially when there’s a lot of hype, like there is around neural networks, and there’s tons of hype on neural networks.

00:18:02.080 Okay.

00:18:04.080 So rule number two is know and have empathy for your audience.

00:18:10.080 Everyone has different experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives, and it is important to keep this in mind when explaining anything.

00:18:21.080 For example, if I’m going to teach someone how to drive, and they know how to ride a bike,

00:18:28.080 then I’ll explain how to drive in terms of how to ride a bike.

00:18:34.080 And the handlebar is the steering wheel.

00:18:38.080 And the pedals are the gas, etc.

00:18:43.080 In contrast, if they knew how to ride a horse, then I’d explain how to drive in terms of how to ride a horse, which would be very hard because I don’t know how to ride a horse, but I would try hard because I’ve seen it in movies.

00:18:55.080 And I’d say, it’s kind of like getting on a horse, I guess.

00:18:58.080 Okay, so giddy up.

00:19:00.080 And if someone had piloted a boat before, then I would explain how to drive in terms of how to pilot a boat, and I do have a funny boat story, and I’ll save that for bowling, okay?

00:19:10.080 So come bowling later.

00:19:12.080 Okay, anchors away.

00:19:14.080 Okay, when I make my videos, I specifically think of my old co-workers in Terry Magnuson’s lab at UNC.

00:19:22.080 By making videos that communicated statistics to a bunch of geneticists, I ended up with videos that communicated statistics to people all over the world.

00:19:31.080 And this is another thing, you guys are bioinformatics people, right?

00:19:35.080 Yes, okay. So that means you have to talk to biologists, you have to talk to statistics people, you’ve got to talk to all these different people who have different backgrounds and different frameworks, and you have to be like chameleons in a way, or translators.

00:19:49.080 Because when you’re talking to the statistics person, you’ve got to talk to them one way, and when you talk to the biologists, you’ve got to talk to them in another way.

00:19:55.080 So you always have to kind of know who you’re talking to, and if you mix them up, and you talk to the biologists the way you talk to a statistician, they’ll punch you in the face.

00:20:03.080 You don’t want that to happen, right?

00:20:06.080 So it’s good to know who you’re talking to.

00:20:11.080 And so I specifically think of my old co-workers at UNC. And in fact, a week from today, I’m actually presenting for this old group of co-workers, my latest video to see if I can still convince them or teach them how things work.

00:20:27.080 And the goal is for them not to fall asleep while I’m talking.

00:20:30.080 And there’s this one guy, he’s not in that picture, his name’s Dom, and he is a tough one.

00:20:36.080 So I’ve got my work cut out for me.

00:20:39.080 So lastly, when you don’t know your audience, try your best to explain in a way that anyone could relate to, and that’s tough.

00:20:47.080 And try to anticipate questions from people that have different backgrounds and experiences, and that’s hard to do too.

00:20:53.080 But one way to explain things so that anyone can relate to the subject, and helps anticipate questions, is to use pictures.

00:21:05.080 So that leads us to rule number three, which is use pictures.

00:21:10.080 A lot of people are visual learners.

00:21:13.080 If you’re not a visual learner, and it’s easier to look at this equation than it is to look at this graph, then you need to make sure you understand rule number two, have empathy for your audience.

00:21:29.080 Because that’s another punch in the nose you got to be watching out for.

00:21:33.080 These people are tough. Okay, regardless of whether or not you’re a visual learner, visual cues often make things easier to remember.

00:21:44.080 Okay, here’s an example of some unvisual directions to the grocery store.

00:21:51.080 Go straight ahead 731 meters.

00:21:55.080 Turn pi divided by two radians.

00:21:58.080 Go straight for 1196 meters.

00:22:03.080 Turn three pi divided by two radians.

00:22:07.080 And then go straight for 52 meters.

00:22:11.080 Bam.

00:22:13.080 Okay, you guys ready.

00:22:14.080 There’s a pop quiz.

00:22:18.080 No one thought there was going to be a quiz. Okay. Can anyone remember the first step in the directions to the grocery store.

00:22:26.080 Are you kidding me.

00:22:37.080 We have a winner. Okay.

00:22:40.080 Did anyone else know that.

00:22:42.080 Okay.

00:22:43.080 And why right.

00:22:48.080 Yeah.

00:22:49.080 Okay, this may be precise and accurate.

00:22:52.080 But for some people, and I’m not going to name names, but I consider myself a member of this group.

00:23:01.080 It’s hard to remember.

00:23:04.080 Here’s an example of visual directions to the grocery store.

00:23:08.080 Go straight to get to the gas station.

00:23:11.080 Turn left.

00:23:13.080 Go straight to get to the playground.

00:23:15.080 Turn right.

00:23:17.080 Go straight to get to the grocery store.

00:23:22.080 Bam.

00:23:24.080 Okay, to summarize this rule.

00:23:26.080 We almost always have a true choice between not using pictures to explain something.

00:23:35.080 And using pictures to explain something.

00:23:40.080 Pictures are one easy to relate to.

00:23:44.080 We have a lot of questions.

00:23:47.080 And we often help people answer their own questions.

00:23:51.080 For example, we may not have anticipated that they don’t actually know what grocery store they were just saying, these are directions to the grocery store.

00:23:57.080 And they’re like, what kind of grocery store is it.

00:23:59.080 Well, it’s a Whole Foods.

00:24:01.080 You can tell just by looking at the picture.

00:24:03.080 Or you could say, go straight to the gas station.

00:24:05.080 They’re like, what gas station is it.

00:24:07.080 It looks like it’s a BP station.

00:24:09.080 And you can tell just by looking at the picture.

00:24:12.080 You can tell just by looking at the picture.

00:24:14.080 Without having to do any extra work.

00:24:16.080 That’s a bam.

00:24:18.080 And relatively easy to remember for people like me.

00:24:20.080 Not everybody.

00:24:22.080 Okay, bam.

00:24:24.080 Rules four and five.

00:24:26.080 Repetition is helpful and do the math.

00:24:28.080 This step is going to take a long time to get through.

00:24:31.080 Because we’re going to do lots of repetition.

00:24:33.080 And we’re going to do lots of math.

00:24:36.080 It’s just going to be hard.

00:24:38.080 Okay.

00:24:39.080 So no matter how simple the equation, plugging in a few numbers makes it way easier to understand and explain.

00:24:47.080 And doing this more than once makes it way easier to remember.

00:24:53.080 However, complicated looking things.

00:24:56.080 Plugging in the numbers is crucial and can provide deeper and more memorable insights.

00:25:03.080 Okay.

00:25:05.080 So let’s take an example.

00:25:07.080 Let’s plug some data into this neural network.

00:25:11.080 However, first, let’s remember the main idea.

00:25:15.080 Neural networks fit squiggles to your data.

00:25:19.080 So the goal is to figure out how this fits a squiggle to the data.

00:25:25.080 Okay.

00:25:27.080 So with that said, to keep the math simple, let’s assume dosages go from zero for low to one for high.

00:25:32.080 The first thing we do is plug the lowest dosage of zero into the neural network.

00:25:37.080 Now to get from the input node to the top node in the hidden layer.

00:25:45.080 This connection multiplies the dosage by negative 34.4.

00:25:50.080 And then adds 2.14.

00:25:55.080 And the result is an x-axis coordinate for the activation function.

00:26:01.080 These values come from fitting the neural network to data with a method called back propagation.

00:26:07.080 And that method is beyond the scope of this seminar.

00:26:10.080 We’d have to sit here for another hour.

00:26:12.080 And we don’t want to do that because we haven’t had lunch yet.

00:26:16.080 But if you’re interested, there’s a video on it.

00:26:18.080 You can check out the quest.

00:26:20.080 But for now, you guys are familiar with linear regression, right?

00:26:25.080 And you have like these slope and intercept.

00:26:28.080 And you have to find the optimal values for those.

00:26:31.080 And you do that by fitting, you know, you can do it iteratively.

00:26:35.080 Or you can do it directly with the derivative.

00:26:38.080 So imagine these values in these boxes are like these.

00:26:44.080 These are the things that we solve for when you fit that line to the data.

00:26:47.080 We got our y-axis intercept.

00:26:49.080 And we got our slope.

00:26:51.080 And it’s interesting that we also, you know, we’ve got a number we multiply the input.

00:26:55.080 And we’ve got a number we add.

00:26:57.080 And here we’re multiplying the input.

00:26:59.080 And we’re adding.

00:27:00.080 Okay.

00:27:01.080 So we’re actually doing the same thing that this equation does, just with different numbers, right?

00:27:06.080 And earlier, behind the scenes, before you guys were watching, I fit this to our data.

00:27:13.080 It’s because, and the reason why we have backpropagation, I’m just going to skip to this.

00:27:19.080 The reason why we have backpropagation is because we can, there’s a closed form solution for just linear regression.

00:27:26.080 And you can solve for directly.

00:27:28.080 Unfortunately, for linear, for neural networks, there’s no closed form solution.

00:27:32.080 So you’ve got to, we’ve got to do something that is iterative and approximates an optimal solution.

00:27:38.080 So, okay.

00:27:40.080 We’re good that these are just values that we’ve just imagined we’re solving.

00:27:44.080 We’re just plugging into numbers like this.

00:27:46.080 And we’re calculating y-axis coordinates, right?

00:27:49.080 No big deal.

00:27:50.080 Bam.

00:27:51.080 Yes.

00:27:52.080 Okay.

00:27:53.080 Okay.

00:27:54.080 Now, given that we have already estimated these parameters, the lowest dosage zero is multiplied by negative 34.4.

00:28:08.080 And then we add 2.14.

00:28:12.080 And that, and to get 2.14 as the x-axis coordinate for the activation function.

00:28:21.080 To get the corresponding y-axis value, we plug 2.14 into the activation function, which in this case is the soft plus function.

00:28:33.080 Note, if we had chosen the sigmoid curve for the activation function, then we would just plug 2.14 into the equation for the sigmoid curve.

00:28:43.080 It’s no big deal.

00:28:44.080 But since we’re using the soft plus for the activation function, we plug 2.14 into the soft plus equation.

00:28:55.080 And the log of 1 plus e raised to 2.14 is 2.25.

00:29:03.080 And just to be clear, in statistics, machine learning, and most programming languages, the log function implies the natural log or the log base e.

00:29:13.080 So if you’re doing this math at home, that’s why we got 2.25.

00:29:17.080 Anyway, the y-axis coordinate for the activation function is 2.25.

00:29:21.080 And it’s right there, boom, right on the curve.

00:29:24.080 Right.

00:29:25.080 Okay, so let’s extend this y-axis up a little bit.

00:29:30.080 And put a blue dot at 2.25 for when the dosage equals zero.

00:29:37.080 Now, if we increase the dosage a little bit and plug in 0.1 into the input, the x-axis coordinate for the activation function is negative 1.3.

00:29:50.080 And the corresponding y-axis coordinate is 0.24.

00:29:58.080 So let’s put a blue dot at 0.24 for when dosage equals 0.1.

00:30:06.080 And if we continue to increase the dosage values all the way to one, the maximum dosage, we get this blue curve.

00:30:18.080 Bam.

00:30:20.080 Note, before we move on, I want to point out that the full range of dosage values from 0 to 1 corresponds to this relatively narrow range of values from the activation function.

00:30:35.080 In other words, when we plug dosage values from 0 to 1 into the neural network, and then multiply them by negative 34.4 and add 2.14,

00:30:45.080 then we only get x-axis coordinates that are within the red box. Does that make sense?

00:30:52.080 That any number between 0 and 1 is only going to give us a number in this range. It’s not going to give us a number way out here, just in this little window.

00:31:04.080 And thus, only the corresponding y-axis values, only these things up here

00:31:13.080 in the red box are used to make this new curve. And we take this, basically we’re taking this and we’re flipping it because we’ve got a negative sign.

00:31:21.080 Flip it and bam.

00:31:25.080 Cool.

00:31:28.080 Now we scale the y-axis values on the blue curve by negative 1.3.

00:31:35.080 For example, when dosage equals 0, the current y-axis coordinate for the blue curve is 2.25.

00:31:42.080 So that’s that point on the curve and that’s that blue point over there. Now we’re going to multiply it by that.

00:31:50.080 So we multiply 2.25 by negative 1.3 and we get negative 2.93.

00:31:58.080 Negative 2.93 corresponds to this position way down on the y-axis.

00:32:05.080 Likewise, we multiply all the other y-axis coordinates on the blue curve by negative 1.3.

00:32:12.080 And we end up with this new blue curve.

00:32:19.080 Bam.

00:32:21.080 Okay, now let’s focus on the connection from the input node to the bottom node in the hidden layer.

00:32:29.080 However, this time we multiply the dosage by negative 2.52 instead of negative 34.4.

00:32:37.080 And we add 1.29 instead of 2.14 to get the x-axis coordinate for the activation function.

00:32:49.080 Now if we plug in the lowest dosage 0 into the neural network, the x-axis coordinate for the activation function is 1.29 right there.

00:33:01.080 And now we plug 1.29 into the activation function to get the corresponding y-axis value.

00:33:08.080 And we get 1.53 right there.

00:33:13.080 And that corresponds to this yellow dot. So that’s 1.53 up on the y-axis.

00:33:20.080 Now we just plug in dosage values from 0 to 1 to get the corresponding y-axis values.

00:33:26.080 And we get this orange curve.

00:33:32.080 Note, just like before, I want to point out that the full range of dosage values from 0 to 1,

00:33:38.080 in this case, it only corresponds to this narrow range of values, right?

00:33:42.080 When we plug in values from 0 to 1 here, we only get x-axis coordinates in this little sliver, and we don’t get values out here and out here.

00:33:52.080 So we’re actually cutting a smaller slice of the activation function than we did before.

00:34:01.080 I might have gotten ahead of myself. So in other words, when we plug in dosage values from 0 to 1 in the neural network,

00:34:08.080 we only get x-axis coordinates that are within the red box.

00:34:13.080 And thus, only the corresponding y-axis values in the red box are used to make this new orange curve.

00:34:21.080 So we see that fitting a neural network to data gives us different parameter estimates on the connections.

00:34:27.080 And that results in each node in the hidden layer using different portions of the activation functions to create these new and exciting shapes.

00:34:38.080 Do you guys have that? Great. OK, double that then.

00:34:43.080 OK, OK. Now, just like before, we scale the y-axis coordinates on the orange curve.

00:34:49.080 Only this time, we scale by a positive number, 2.28.

00:34:54.080 Boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop. And that gives us this new orange curve.

00:35:01.080 Now the neural network tells us to add the y-axis coordinates from the blue curve to the orange curve.

00:35:09.080 For example, when dosage equals 0, the y-axis coordinate on the blue curve is negative 9.2, excuse me, negative 2.93.

00:35:18.080 And the y-axis coordinate on the orange curve is 3.49.

00:35:24.080 And we add negative 2.93 to 3.49, we get 0.56, that green dot.

00:35:33.080 Likewise, we just keep adding the y-axis coordinates from the blue curve to the orange curve.

00:35:41.080 And that gives us this green squiggle.

00:35:46.080 Then finally, we subtract 0.58 from the y-axis values on the green squiggle.

00:35:53.080 Boop. And we have this green squiggle that fits the data.

00:35:59.080 Triple bam.

00:36:02.080 To summarize, we started out with two identical activation functions.

00:36:09.080 But then we plugged in some values.

00:36:12.080 And we saw how using multiplication and addition slices, flips, and stretches the activation functions into new and exciting shapes.

00:36:23.080 Which are then added together to get a squiggle that is entirely new.

00:36:28.080 Bam. And the squiggle is then shifted to fit the data.

00:36:37.080 Now remember the rules we just illustrated here.

00:36:40.080 Repetition is helpful and do the math.

00:36:44.080 By plugging numbers into the neural network and doing the math, we have a better understanding of how this neural network fits the squiggle to the data.

00:36:55.080 Doing the math usually requires using relatively simple examples.

00:37:01.080 In this case, I created the simplest neural network that could illustrate the main idea.

00:37:06.080 That we’re fitting a squiggle to data instead of a straight line.

00:37:10.080 For me, one of the hardest parts of my job is coming up with relatively simple examples.

00:37:15.080 If you look on the internet for like neural network examples, everyone uses this character recognition example.

00:37:21.080 Like how to translate numbers into, like, predict like, oh, that’s a number three or something like character recognition.

00:37:29.080 Which is cool. Neural networks can do that, and that’s amazing, right?

00:37:33.080 But the neural network required to do that is so complicated that you can’t visualize what the shape of the data is and how it’s fitting a squiggle to that data.

00:37:42.080 Right? Because ultimately, we’ve just got pixels, you know, and intensities.

00:37:47.080 And it ends up just being a big blob of data, of points, basically, in a high dimensional space that’s too high dimensional for us to actually look at.

00:37:56.080 So we can’t, even if we wanted to, we can’t draw that picture.

00:37:59.080 So I had to come up with like a much, much simpler thing, because I wanted to see it.

00:38:05.080 Because it wasn’t enough just to believe that it worked. I had to see it work.

00:38:10.080 And I had to understand why. And by doing that, I was able to see this insight.

00:38:16.080 That we’re taking these little chunks of this thing, these activation functions, and we’re twisting them, and we’re flipping them, and we’re stretching them.

00:38:23.080 And we add these different shapes together. And it’s that adding of two weird looking shapes that gives us this squiggle.

00:38:31.080 And it’s also interesting, if you notice that, it doesn’t really fit. I mean, it fits the data perfectly.

00:38:36.080 But outside, in between the data, it doesn’t fit it perfectly.

00:38:40.080 That’s an interesting insight we would not have gotten if we couldn’t see how this is working.

00:38:45.080 This is an interesting thing. Neural networks can fit the points perfectly, and it does.

00:38:50.080 But in between, the neural network can do what it wants. And we didn’t. We wouldn’t have known that.

00:38:55.080 We wouldn’t have been able to see it if we couldn’t draw it.

00:38:58.080 And so that was a big insight for me when I was teaching myself neural networks.

00:39:01.080 I was like, oh. So that means in between the data that the neural networks have seen, the output could be unpredictable.

00:39:10.080 Because it does not extrapolate the way you and me would do it.

00:39:13.080 The way you and I would do this, we would fit a nice bell-shaped curve to this data, like a normal curve or something.

00:39:20.080 And it’d be nice and awesome. But the neural network doesn’t care about normal curves.

00:39:25.080 Neural network says, these are the data you gave me, and I’m going to fit them.

00:39:28.080 And that’s all I’m going to worry about. And everything in between, who cares?

00:39:32.080 And so I think about that when people talk about getting neural networks to drive cars.

00:39:39.080 Anyways, once I have a relatively simple example, everything else becomes relatively easy.

00:39:48.080 OK, rule number six is always start with data.

00:39:52.080 And you may remember that when we started to talk about neural networks, we started out with this super simple data set.

00:39:59.080 It showed that a straight line would not fit the data well.

00:40:04.080 So we needed to fit a squiggle to the data. Knowing that we need to fit a squiggle to the data gives us a context from which we can understand neural networks.

00:40:14.080 Right. Why are we learning this thing? What’s the big deal? Who cares?

00:40:18.080 Well, we’re like, well, we’ve got problems. We’ve got data shapes that data can make that we may, you know, we may not have a good function that can fit.

00:40:27.080 And especially if that function or that data is really high dimensional and we can’t see it, we we can’t say that we can just fit a normal curve to that.

00:40:35.080 We have to come up with something that can automatically fit a shape to data. And that’s what neural networks do.

00:40:40.080 They look at data and they go, I don’t care if we can look at it or not. I’m going to fit a shape to you.

00:40:45.080 OK, in other words. We know that the goal of this fancy looking thing is to fit a squiggle to the data.

00:40:53.080 And in general, knowing what the problem is and why other methods fail to solve it helps us understand why we’re doing all this math.

00:41:03.080 OK, rule number seven, limit to the presentation of three main ideas, which seems contradictory, but I didn’t say these were main ideas.

00:41:10.080 I said these were rules. The difference. Anyways, for neural networks, main idea number one is that we start with identical nonlinear activation functions.

00:41:20.080 Nonlinear is key. I didn’t I didn’t harp on that. But if they were just linear, if this was just a straight line, then we’d add them together.

00:41:30.080 We just get another straight line. It’s the fact that there’s a curve or a bend or something weird going on that allows us to create more complicated shapes.

00:41:41.080 Main idea number two is the activation functions are sliced, flipped and stretched into new and exciting shapes.

00:41:48.080 And we say double bam. And the main idea, number three, is that the curves are added together in the end.

00:41:55.080 So we have the little pieces of curve and we and we add them together to make a squiggle that is entirely new.

00:42:05.080 Triple bam. Note, if you came to this seminar, not understanding how neural networks work is a good chance that you now know.

00:42:16.080 And you came to that understanding by looking at pictures and doing some basic math, just multiplication and addition with a little like log and exponential here, but we’re not going to talk about that.

00:42:29.080 OK, and we completely ignored this equation.

00:42:35.080 Again, this is because the equation is not the main idea.

00:42:41.080 All it is is a compact notation.

00:42:46.080 I mentioned this because I did a little Twitter poll a few weeks ago.

00:42:50.080 Well, I guess a few months ago. OK. In order to understand neural networks, you need to first understand linear algebra.

00:43:02.080 Of the almost 4000 people that responded, 74 percent agreed that you needed to understand linear algebra before you can understand neural networks.

00:43:14.080 In other words, 74 percent think you need to understand this equation.

00:43:20.080 Before it’s possible to understand this diagram of a neural network and how it makes predictions.

00:43:27.080 However, in my opinion, it is the exact opposite.

00:43:31.080 Instead, we need to start with this diagram and learn how it makes predictions first.

00:43:37.080 Before we learn about this equation.

00:43:41.080 In summary, I believe that StatQuest, my YouTube channel is successful because rule number one, I do the I try as hard as I can to focus on the main ideas.

00:43:52.080 I don’t always succeed, but I try. Rule number two, I have empathy for the audience.

00:43:57.080 Again, I do not always succeed, but I try.

00:44:01.080 And I know and my secret to that is I specifically have a handful of people that are my audience.

00:44:08.080 You know, it’s my former lab mates. I try to talk to them. Three, I use pictures.

00:44:14.080 Those are helpful for some, not all. Rules number four and five, repetition is helpful and do the math.

00:44:20.080 And rule number six, always start with data. And rule number seven, limit the presentation of three main ideas.

00:44:27.080 I’ve noticed that if I try to do more than three BAMs in a presentation, it’s better just to split it into two presentations.

00:44:34.080 Too much. You know, it’s like, oh, you go to for me.

00:44:38.080 I remember when I used to have to go to seminars and they it was like a I don’t know how like an octave BAM presentation.

00:44:44.080 And I get to like the third or fourth BAM and I’d be like they weren’t saying the BAM.

00:44:49.080 But, you know, there were there were all these things that you could tell they had so much they wanted to convey.

00:44:53.080 But I got saturated and I got frustrated because once I get saturated with information, I can’t take more on.

00:45:00.080 I can only learn my brain can only learn so much in so much time.

00:45:04.080 And and I would just frustrate me when they were like, well, I’m just going to keep going.

00:45:09.080 And I’m like, but I’m tired. So I say limit the presentation to three main ideas.

00:45:17.080 And then I say the end. And I finished a little bit early so we can have questions or.

00:45:35.080 We need to leave this room by 1230 so we can have a short three session.

00:45:40.080 And if you are going to meet George later, I would suggest you save that for later.

00:45:47.080 And I see that. Yeah. Thanks for doing that.

00:45:50.080 So I’m just wondering if you have any thoughts on how to address people with sort of some disabilities like hearing and visual.

00:46:00.080 Yeah. So. In theory.

00:46:09.080 So I have there’s a couple of issues that I come up against with colorblindness.

00:46:14.080 I try to use a lot of colors, as you saw, because to me, colors help differentiate things.

00:46:19.080 But I’m very bad with my palette, my color palette. But there are tools you can use to check colorblindness.

00:46:26.080 I need to use those. I don’t do it enough.

00:46:29.080 And there’s also blind people blind people like so there’s people that listen to my videos.

00:46:34.080 And I don’t do this perfectly.

00:46:37.080 But when I do the script.

00:46:39.080 I often will be like the script will be like, and the data point in the upper left hand corner, I tried to narrate everything so that blind people can even though it’s all in their head.

00:46:52.080 I try to narrate all the details so that they can just by hearing my voice they can learn what’s going on. I try to do that.

00:47:00.080 And you just have to be very aware that you can’t just say there’s data over there, you have to say there’s a data and the way they’re spread out means we can’t fit a straight line to them.

00:47:12.080 And if we do try to fit a straight line we can only fit it to three or they’re in a triangle form so you have to think about that so yeah if you’re specifically trying to communicate to disabilities, you have to keep all that stuff in mind and I try.

00:47:25.080 I’m, I’m, I could do better.

00:47:35.080 Okay, my question is, so you’re doing the stack quest YouTube you’re explaining a lot of different things to people, how do you decide what topics, you want to prioritize and how do you like make sure you don’t run out of things to explain.

00:47:49.080 Okay, yeah, that was a problem I had early on. Okay, so early on.

00:47:55.080 I was really just doing this for my coworkers, and I just was whatever they were doing.

00:48:02.080 I already talked to Chris about this earlier. So one thing that was cool about doing this for my coworkers, you know, it’s all a couple problems they learned when they needed to learn and I taught when I wanted to basically, but, but it also meant that like my first

00:48:16.080 video got nine views in a year.

00:48:20.080 And that was success. Right, because I didn’t make a video for the whole world. I made it just for my co workers, and I only had so many co workers, and they were watching my videos so it was a huge success.

00:48:31.080 And so I just let them decide, because that that was my audience, and in a way they’re still my audience but things are a little different in that.

00:48:39.080 I know people post comments. Can you teach transformers Can you teach large language models, how’s Jackie bt work, I get those questions.

00:48:48.080 20 times a day.

00:48:50.080 And so I started off like once I you know early on once I got past T tests and are squared linear regression, I was like, I don’t know what I’m going to teach now, I was like, like, and so I actually, if you watch my early videos are like and if you have any

00:49:06.080 ideas posted in the comments below. I don’t do that anymore.

00:49:10.080 I got a to do list that like goes it goes because the thing is is there’s always, there’s always new methods being created.

00:49:19.080 And so there’s always good stuff, but it’s, but it’s also sort of responding to the people around me, and it used to be that there were a lot of people with problems and so I teach them what they needed to know.

00:49:28.080 And now it’s the whole world is like hey, we don’t understand large language models or how Jackie bt works, can you teach us.

00:49:36.080 And so that and that keeps me plenty busy.

00:49:40.080 But, yeah, just ask the people you want to teach.

00:49:46.080 There was an online question. And where did it go. I’m going to open the chat.

00:49:51.080 I got to hold on, I got to get the old main glasses.

00:49:55.080 What does this say.

00:49:57.080 Interesting modeling and machine learning.

00:50:01.080 It seems like clinical physicians do not believe any data for modeling or machine.

00:50:08.080 That’s hilarious.

00:50:10.080 So,

00:50:14.080 is there modeling.

00:50:19.080 It’s just some.

00:50:22.080 When I was a kid I used to build models like model planes, right, a model plane is not a real plane, it can’t fly I can get on it.

00:50:29.080 It’s a, it’s an approximation now, it’s much smaller approximation.

00:50:33.080 It has this general shape. And for the purposes of me being an eight year old kid. It was good enough. Right. It’s all it solved the problem of me not having anything to do in the afternoon on a rainy day.

00:50:48.080 So, that’s a model right and what we end up with these days we end up with.

00:50:54.080 Instead of like, you know, I’m a person and I’m a complicated thing.

00:50:58.080 And with a complicated brain, I guess. And so we can create a model of that that’s a simplification, it’s not the same as my brain.

00:51:06.080 It’s a handful of equations. I mean you plug in inputs that might be simulating oral input.

00:51:13.080 And we can say, well, let’s see what’s just on how’s he going to respond to this sound. Let me run it through the equations and we go, and we predict that I’ll say, Pam, when I hear that sound.

00:51:24.080 That’s a good prediction, because a good chance I will say that.

00:51:28.080 So models are just basically anything that’s simpler than the actual thing. And we use the simple things, the models, because the actual thing maybe maybe it’s illegal or unethical to use the actual thing or maybe it’s too complicated to use the actual thing.

00:51:44.080 We don’t have the computing power to use the actual thing. So we use a simplification. Models, there can be different types of models, some are statistical models and those give us sort of, it’s like doing a statistical analysis, where we can have measures of variability.

00:52:01.080 Right, you can say, not only will Josh say bam, but we’re 63% confident he’ll say bam, and otherwise he’ll say double bam.

00:52:13.080 Or something like that, right? We get measures of variation, and measures of variation are awesome, right, because it gives us a sense of what the range of applicability is and how much we can trust the models.

00:52:26.080 And these clinicians, apparently, that don’t trust the models, that may be something that they need to understand is how to interpret the output of a more statistical analysis that gives us a sense of the variability.

00:52:40.080 Statistics is all about understanding and variation and using it to our advantage to make good decisions.

00:52:47.080 But there’s also, you know, neural networks and machine learning type models, which are less statistical in nature and just tend to give you yes or no answers without a whole lot of bounds on the variation.

00:52:58.080 And those models can be very helpful and very good, but they’re also sometimes difficult to interpret in terms of like, what’s the variation on the output? How much faith can I put in it?

00:53:10.080 And there’s ways around that, I was talking to Chris about this earlier too, in that we can test our model once we’ve trained it, once we’ve estimated all these values on this data set, we can throw new data at it that we know whether or not it was effective.

00:53:27.080 And we can see how well this model works with that data. And that would give us some sense of like, it works good for data that’s like right close to the actual training data and it doesn’t work so well for the in between.

00:53:42.080 You know, that would give us some sense of understanding the range of applicability of that model. These are all very important things that we have to do. Maybe we don’t do them all well enough or thoroughly enough.

00:53:54.080 But it’s, but it’s stuff we can do. And so hopefully one day we’ll teach the clinicians to have faith in science.

00:54:08.080 So, this kind of follows my other question. So, you’re explaining things to a lot of people, a lot of people are watching these videos and getting good information from them, which is great, but how do you know that you’re prepared enough to explain a new concept

00:54:22.080 and how do you make sure you’ve like taught yourself rigorously enough that you can explain to others and you feel confident that this is a good explanation that’s going to help people?

00:54:32.080 Yeah. So, yeah, that’s, I could do a whole talk on that. But the gist is I read everything I can. And then what I do is I try to, I do the math by hand.

00:54:43.080 And I also compare it to a real thing like when I did when I made this neural network, I created like a real neural network in like using a neural network framework and I trained it.

00:54:57.080 And I made it work and I didn’t know how it worked.

00:55:01.080 So, I got these, I pulled out these values and I just did the math by hand and I made mistakes. And when I, and I had the thing printing out intermediate values and I had my intermediate math over here, and I could compare.

00:55:12.080 And I drew this picture and I made sure that ultimately everything matched from zero to one, I always got it. And then I took that program and I,

00:55:25.080 basically I tried a lot of programs that can validate that I’ve learned it correctly. I ended up writing this whole thing from scratch. And I ended up training it, I ended up writing my own back propagation algorithm to train it and I ended up with the same values.

00:55:38.080 And, and so I was just like, okay, and then I and then I was like well let’s generalize let’s try something else let’s try a different model, different input data and see if I can figure it out, and I was able to figure it out.

00:55:50.080 And it was kind of funny in the end, it’s kind of weird I got so good at these things where I could just look at the data I was trying to fit, and I could imagine what these values would be, and I could just come up with them off the top of my head.

00:56:04.080 And I’d be like oh that’s probably this probably this, and they would be pretty close to the optimized model.

00:56:10.080 And I was like, I got this.

00:56:14.080 The other thing I do is I do drafts, I test them on people. Good way to understand that you don’t understand is when you start teaching people, and they ask you a question and they go and what about this and you’re like, I don’t know.

00:56:27.080 That’s a way, so I for this video, specifically, I tested it on like 10 different groups. There was like, like, it was on there was like COVID time. So it was like I was just zooming left and right there was like a group in Turkey they’re like, teach about neural

00:56:40.080 because I said, I can’t do that yet but I can show you what I’m working on, and they were like okay we’ll do that instead. And so we did that instead I said any questions and they would shoot me with tons of questions, and they would and I’d be like, I can answer

00:56:50.080 some of those I can’t answer all of them because I don’t fully understand it yet.

00:56:54.080 And I got to where I can answer everybody’s questions and I was like, I got this.

00:56:59.080 So it’s a lot of work, especially because I’m not an expert. I’m, I’m, I’m a student. I have to learn this stuff from scratch, I didn’t I wasn’t born knowing this.

00:57:09.080 I didn’t, I never took a class on neural networks I never took a class on machine learning no one’s ever taught this stuff to me. It’s all been learned.

00:57:18.080 I can make it work on my own corporate blah blah blah we have to go, I’m sorry but you get the idea right do lots of validation and lots of awesome convincing and I asked people questions.

00:57:28.080 Okay, great.

00:57:30.080 Thank you.

00:57:41.080 Yeah.

00:58:04.080 Oh, I feel like throughout the seminar I get colder and colder.

00:58:08.080 Like, overcompensate. Yeah.

00:58:12.080 I think, I think I’m generally more.

00:58:17.080 Actually I think I have a four.

00:58:21.080 I think that’s my theory.

00:58:27.080 Because I’m always really hot or really cold.

00:58:31.080 Yeah.

00:58:36.080 Yeah, never satisfied.

00:58:39.080 Cool.

00:58:41.080 Yeah.